Permethrin for Ticks
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Tuesday, April 23, 2024
By Mike Moats Photography

I liked to read about the stories of hikers that walk up to six months doing a thru hike of the Appalachian trail that goes from Georgia to Maine. Over 2,000 miles, that's pretty impressive.  

The one valuable tip I learned was about a clothing spray that would repel ticks. The hikers used this to help keep the ticks away. 

Even the volunteers that maintain the trails swear but this product for ticks.

It's a clothing spray called Permethrin.  

Each year before the spring happens, I spray my pants, socks and shoes and I have not had any issues with the ticks.

The clothing will last up to five washing and then you would have to reapply.  I just sprayed mine the other day getting ready to head into the woods.

If you have cats the spray is toxic when it's wet, but my cat had no issue once it dried on the clothing.

I buy mine on Amazon in a two pack.


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WORKSHOPS - Mike Moats - Award Winning Macro Photographer