Dandelion Seedheads Are Out
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Friday, April 26, 2024
By Mike Moats Photography

It's dandelion season and if you haven't killed the ones in your yard, you could pick them right there, or head to your local park, they will have some.

If you don't mind getting down on the ground you could shoot them on the stem, or if you want to make it easier, pick one and use a Plamp to hold it up in the air while you sit on a stool or like me on the edge of my porch. Much easier on the body.



You could place a background behind the seedhead, or I'm using the grass off in the distance for this shot. 

You can pick off some of the seeds and create different looks. 

Lots of different ways to shoot these.  Everything in focus with a high f/stop number or use a small f/stop number for softer look.

Be creative on ways to compose them, and maybe do some creative post processing.

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WORKSHOPS - Mike Moats - Award Winning Macro Photographer